Introduction: Redesign food systems for a 2050 world
Innovative Food Production Systems
EAT Food Forum, Stockholm, June 1, 2015

Food in times of scarcity and abundance
Keynote speech door Louise O. Fresco
Workshop Europees Parlement, 4 december 2013 

Food, scarcity and abundance
Keynote speech

200th Commemorative Meeting of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
KLSA, Stockholm, 28 January 2013
Lecture on this video starts at 16:42

We need to feed the whole world
TED talk

Long Beach, California, February 2009

The power of TED
Amsterdam, 25 November 2011

Neither fish nor flesh
Netherlands Institute Saint Petersburg (NIP)
Russia, 7 September 2011

Eating animals in times of climate and food crisis
Louise O. Fresco with Jonathan Safran Foer 
MO* lezing, Gent, 13 januari 2010

Water, Agriculture and Food /
Eau, Agriculture et Alimentation (1/2)
World Policy Conference
Marrakesh, Morocco, 1 November 2009

Water, Agriculture and Food /
Eau, Agriculture et Alimentation (2/2)
World Policy Conference
Marrakesh, Morocco, 1 November 2009