The Social and Economic Council (SER) advises the Dutch government and Parliament on social and economic policy. The SER also brings together various different parties to reach agreements on societal issues. In addition, the SER has administrative and legal tasks, such as promoting employee participation.
Louise Fresco was from 2007 to 2014 a Crown-appointed member and a member of the Board of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER):
For translations of these reports, you can consult the English version of the English language website of the SER
Ontwikkeling door duurzaam ondernemen (Development through sustainable business), SER, 2011
Bevolkingskrimp benoemen en benutten( Identifying and exploiting population decline). SER, 2011
Meer werken aan duurzame groei (More work on sustainable growth). SER, 2010
Meer chemie tussen groen en groei (More work on sustainable growth). SER, 2010
Waarden van de landbouw (Values of agriculture ).SER, 2008