Publication List


Science and innovations for food systems transformation and summit actions
Joachim von Braun (Editor), Kaosar Afsana (Editor), Louise O Fresco (Editor), Mohamed Hassan (Editor) (2023)


The Future of Proteins : Mansholt lecture 2019
Pyett, Stacy; Vet, de E.W.M.L.; Trindade, L.M.; Zanten, van H.H.E.; Fresco, L.O.(2019)


Foreword (2018) (open access) In:Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves.
Springer International Publishing

Resilience propels sustainability (2018) (open access)
In: Resilience Magazine


Improving market outcomes : enhancing the position of farmers in the supply chain: Report of the Agricultural Task Force (2016)(open access) Veerman, C.P.; Valverde Cabrero, Esther; Babuchowski, A.; Fresco, L.O.; Giesen, Helfried; Iwarson, Torbjörn; Juhász, A.

Towards a common agricultural and food policy (2016) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Poppe, K.J.

The significance of soils and soil science towards realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2016) (open access) Keesstra, S.D.; Bouma, J.; Wallinga, J.; Tittonell, P.; Smith, P.; Cerdà, A.; Montanarella, L; Quinton, J.N.; Pachepsky, Y.; van der Putten, W.H.; Bardgett, R.D.; Moolenaar, S.; Mol, G.; Jansen, B.; Fresco, L.O. In: SOIL, 2(2), 111 – 128. Copernicus GmbH. ISSN 2199-3971.

The significance of soils and soil science towards realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2016) (open access) Keesstra, S.D.; Bouma, J.; Wallinga, J.; Tittonell, P.A.; Putten, van der W.H.; Mol, G.; Jansen, Boris; Fresco, L.O. In: SOIL, 2, 111 – 128. ISSN 2199-3971.

A European Perspective : Global one health – a new integrated approach (2016) Fresco, L.O.; Bouwstra, R.J.; Jong, de M.C.M.; Poel, van der Wim; Scholten, M.C.T.; Takken, W. In: Global Health Challenges. Washington: The Trilateral Commission.


A European Perspective : Global one health – a new integrated apStrategisch plan 2015-2018 (2015)(open access) Fresco, L.O.; Kropff, M.J.; Mol, A.P.J.; Breukink, Y.J.H.

Hamburgers in Paradise : The Stories behind the Food We Eat (2015) Fresco, L.O.

Green circles : World Class sustainability (2015) (Open access) Opdam, P.F.M.; Steingröver, E.G.; Fresco, L.O.; Slingerland, C.T.; Smit, A.


Some thoughts about the future of food and agriculture (2014) Fresco, L.O. In: South African Journal of Science, 110(5-6). ISSN 0038-2353.


License to Speak. The Rhetoric of Free speech in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (2013) (open access)van Renswoude, I.; Vandenbroucke, A.; Bouterse, J.; Fresco, L.O.; Goldschmidt,
T. In: The Cultural Significance of the Natural Sciences (Praemium Erasmianum Yearbook 2012), 49 – 50

Editorial : The GMO Stalemate in Europe (2013) Fresco, L.O. In: Science, 339(6122), 883 – 883. ISSN 0036-8075.


Land use and cover change as an overarching topic in the Dutch national research programme on global air pollution and climate change. Issues for implementation (2012) (open access)Fresco LO; Berg MM van den; Zeijl-Rozema AE van; PB-NOP; LUW

Multi-scale land use modelling with the CLUE Modelling Framework (2012)(open access) Koning GHJ de; Veldkamp A; Kok K; Ridder N de; Fresco LO; Schoorl J; NOP


Restoration of Wet Dune Slacks on the Dutch Wadden Sea Islands: Recolonization After Large-Scale Sod Cutting (2011)(open access) Grootjans, A.P.; Everts, H.; Bruin, K.; Fresco, L. In: Restoration Ecology, 9(2), 137 – 146. ISSN 1061-2971.

How the Dutch plan to stay dry over the next century (2011) (open access) Stive, M.J.F.; Fresco, L.O.; Kabat, P.; Parmet, B.W.A.H.; Veerman, C.P. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering, 164(3), 114 – 121. ISSN 0965-089X.

Where do we stand 20 years after the assessment of soil nutrient balances in sub-saharan Africa (2011)(open access)Smaling, E.M.A.; Lesschen, J.P.; Beek, C.L.; Jager, de A.; Stoorvogel, J.J.; Batjes, N.H.; Fresco, L.O. In: World soil resources and food security. Padstow, Great Britain: CRC Press


Dutch coasts in transition (2009) Kabat, P.; Fresco, L.O.; Stive, M.J.F.; Veerman, C.P.; Alphen, J.S.L.J.; Parmet, B.W.A.H.; Hazeleger, W.; Katsman, C. In: Nature Geoscience, 2, 450 – 452.ISSN 1752-0894.


Water for Food and Ecosystems: the road from resource dispute to reconciliation (2005) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Hoogeveen, H.; Burke, J.; Graaf, de J.; Halsema, van G.E.; Hermans, L.M.; Steduto, P.; Yoshinaga, K.
In: Sustainable Development International, 13(08/1), 86 – 89. ISSN 1466-4739.


Effects of restoration measures on plant communities of wet heathland ecosystems (2004) Jansen, A.J.M.; Fresco, L.F.M.; Grootjans, A.P.; Jalink, M.H. In: Applied Vegetation Science, 7(2), 243 – 252. ISSN 1402-2001.


Epilogue (1999) Smaling, E.M.A.; Oenema, O.; Fresco, L.O. In: Nutrient cycles and nutrient budgets in agro-ecosystems. CAB International

Simulation of changes in the spatial pattern of land use in China (1999) Verburg, P.H.; Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Applied Geography, 19(3), 211 – 233. ISSN 0143-6228.

Multi-scale modelling of land use change dynamics in Ecuador (1999) Koning, de G.H.J.; Verburg, P.H.; Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agricultural Systems, 61, 77 – 93. ISSN 0308-521X.


Land use in Eduador: a statistical analysis at different aggregation levels. (1998) Koning, de G.H.J.; Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 70, 231 – 247. ISSN 0167-8809.


Reconstructing land use drivers and their spatial scale dependence for Costa Rica (1973 and 1984). (1997) Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agricultural Systems, 55(1), 19 – 43. ISSN 0308-521X.

The conversion of land use and its effects (CLUE-CR): a regression based model applied to Costa Rica (Pascal version 1.2). (1997) (open access) Schoorl, J.M.; Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O.

Global wetland distribution and functional characterizaton: Trace gases and the hydrologic cycle. (1997) (open access) Sahagian, D.; Melack, J.; Birkett, C.; Chanton, J.; Dunne, T.; Estes, J.; Finlayson, M.; Fresco, L.; Gopal, B.; Hess, L.; Hollis, T.; Junk, W.; Klemas, V.

Viewpoint: The 1996 World Food Summit.(1997) Fresco, L.O. In: Global environmental change: human and policy dimensions, 7(1), 1-3. ISSN 0959-3780.

Annual Report 1996. Department of Agronomy. (1997) (open access) Elgersma, A.; Fresco, L.O.; Struik, P.C.

Keeping world food security on the agenda: Implications for the United Nations and the CGIAR. (1997) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Rabbinge, R.

Quantifying the spatial structure of land use change: an integrated approach (1997)(open access) Verburg, P.H.; Koning, de G.H.J.; Kok, K.; Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O.; Bouma, J.

Exploring land use scenarios, an alternative approach based on actual land use. (1997) Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agricultural Systems, 55(1), 1-17. ISSN 0308-521X.

Estimates of sub-national nutrient balances as sustainability indicators for agro-ecosystems in Ecuador. (1997) Koning, de G.H.J.; Kop, van de P.J.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 65, 127-139. ISSN 0167-8809.


CLUE: a conceptual model to study the conversion of land use and its effects. (1996) Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Ecological Modelling, 85, 253-270. ISSN 0304-3800.

CLUE-CR: an integrated multi-scale model to simulate land use change scenarios in Costa Rica. (1996) Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O. In: Ecological Modelling, 91, 231-248. ISSN 0304-3800.

Classifying, monitoring and improving soil nutrient stocks and flows in African agriculture. (1996) Smaling, E.M.A.; Fresco, L.O.; Jager, de A. In: Ambio, 25, 492-496. ISSN 0044-7447.

The dynamics of land use change. (1996) Fresco, L.O.; Leemans, R.; Zeijl-Rozema, van A.E. In: Land Use Policy, 13, 332 – 334. ISSN 0264-8377.

Variations on a theme: conceptualizing system diversity with examples from northern Cameroon. (1996) (open access) Steenhuijsen Piters, de B.; Fresco, L. In: Agricultural R&D at the crossroads, merging systems research and social actor approaches. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute

Annual Report 1995. Department of Agronomy. (1996)(open access) Elgersma, A.; Fresco, L.O.; Mannetje, ’t L.; Struik, P.C.

Food production and environmental impact (final draft) (1996)(open access) Fresco, L.O.; Bridges, E.M.; Starren, M.H.C.W.

From protecting crops to protecting agricultural production systems. (1996)(open access) Fresco, L.O.

The integrated transect method as a tool for land use characterisation, with special reference to inland valley agro-ecosystems in West Africa. (1996) Duivenbooden, van N.; Windmeijer, P.N.; Andriesse, W.; Fresco, L.O. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 34, 143 – 160. ISSN 0169-2046.

Quantification of land-use dynamics: an illustration from Costa Rica. (1996) Stoorvogel, J.J.; Fresco, L.O. In: Land Degradation and Development, 7(2), 121-131. ISSN 1085-3278.

A model analysis of the terrestrial vegetation model of IMAGE 2.0 for Costa Rica. (1996) Veldkamp, A.; Zuidema, G.; Fresco, L.O. In: Ecological Modelling, 93, 263 – 273. ISSN 0304-3800.

Farming systems dynamics: impact of increasing population density and the availability of land resources on changes in agricultural systems. The case of Sukumaland, Tanzania. (1996) Meertens, H.C.C.; Fresco, L.O.; Stoop, W.A. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 56(3), 203-215. ISSN 0167-8809.


The need to study and manage variation in agro-ecosystems. (1995) (open access) Almekinders, C.J.M.; Fresco, L.O.; Struik, P.C. In: Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 43(2), 127-142. ISSN 0028-2928.

Editorial. Quantitative land use analysis in Costa Rica. (1995) (open access) Bouma, J.; Fresco, L.O.; Kroonenberg, S.B. In: Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 43, 1-3. ISSN 0028-2928.

Modelling land use changes and their temporal and spatial variability with CLUE. A pilot study for Costa Rica : Final report of NOP project (1995) (open access) Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O.

Land-use and land-cover change. Science/Research plan. (1995) (open access) Turner Ii, B.L.; Skole, D.; Sanderson, S.; Fischer, G.; Fresco, L.; Leemans, R.

Response to the letter to the editor. (1995) (open access) Almekinders, C.J.M.; Fresco, L.O.; Struik, P.C. In: Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 43, 349- 49. ISSN 0028-2928.

Discussion paper – Comment: The role of East African soil science: When, where and how? (1995) Fresco, L.O. In: Geoderma, 67(3-4), 171-177. ISSN 0016-7061.

Modelling land use dynamics by integrating biophysical and human dimensions (CLUE) Costa Rica 1973-1984. (1995) Veldkamp, A.; Fresco, L.O.

Spatial variability of soil salinity at different scales in the mangrove rice agro-ecosystem in West Africa. (1995) Sylla, M.; Stein, A.; Breemen, van N.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 54(1-2), 1-15. ISSN 0167-8809.


Global issues for a global research community: a university perspective. (1994) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Schweigman, C. In: Development-related research collaboration: a second look at the role of the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Inst.

Bookreview: The future of the land. Mobilizing and integrating knowledge for land use options. (1994) Stroosnijder, L.; Fresco, L.; Duiker, S. In: Land Use Policy, 11(3), 237-240. ISSN 0264-8377.

Can agricultural practices contribute to multifunctional landscapes in Europe? (1994)(open access) Vos, W.; Fresco, L.O.

Multi-scale characterization of inland valley agro-ecosystems in West Africa. (1994)(open access) Andriesse, W.; Fresco, L.O.; Duivenbooden, van N.; Windmeijer, P.N. In: Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 42. ISSN 0028-2928.

Land use system evaluation: concepts and methodology. (1994) Stomph, T.J.; Fresco, L.O.; Keulen, van H.In: Agricultural Systems, 44(3), 243-255. ISSN 0308-521X.

The future of the land. Mobilizing and integrating knowledge for land use options Conference, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands, 22-25 August 1993. (1994) Stroosnijder, L.; Fresco, L.O.; Duiker, S.W. In:Land Use Policy, 11, 237-240. ISSN 0264-8377.


Homegarden systems: agricultural characteristics and challenges (1993)(open access) Hoogerbrugge, I.; Fresco, L.O.

Temporal and spatial variability of soil constraints affecting rice production along the Great Scarcies mangrove swamps, Sierra Leone. (1993) (open access) Sylla, M.; Breemen, van N.; Fresco, L.O.; Dixon, C.; Stein, A.

Proposal for a global land use classification. (1993) (open access) Mucher, C.; Stomph, T.J.; Fresco, L.O.

A decision support model for monitoring nutrient balances under agricultural land use (NUTMON) (1993) Smaling, E.; Fresco, L.O. In: Geoderma, 60(1-4), 235-256. ISSN 0016-7061.


Time and spatial scales in ecological sustainability. (1992) Fresco, L.O.; Kroonenberg, S.B, In: Land Use Policy, 155-168. ISSN 0264-8377.

Temperate and tropical agronomy: a case for symbiosis. (1992) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Vlek, P.

An atlas of cassava in Africa: historical, agroecological and demographic aspects of crop distribution (1992) (open access) Carter, S.; Fresco, L.O.; Jones, P.

Land evaluation and farming systems analysis for land use planning. (3rd ed.) (1992) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Huizing, H.; Keulen, van H.; Luning, H.; Schipper, R.A.


Describing agricultural land use (a proposal for procedures, a data base and a users’ manual to be incorporated in a FAO Soils Bulletin). (1991) (open access) Stomph, Tj.J.; Fresco, L.O.

The identification of agro-ecological zones for cassava in Africa with particular emphasis on soils. (1991) Stoorvogel, J.; Fresco, L.O.

Epidemiological evidence from Zaire for a dietary etiology of Konzo, an upper motor neuron disease. (1991) (open access)Tylleskår, T.; Banea, M.; Bikangi, N.; Fresco, L.O.; Persson, L.; Rosling, H. In: Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 69(5), 581-589. ISSN 0042-9686.

A characterization of rice-growing environments in West Africa. (1991) Andriesse, W.; Fresco, L.O. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 33(4), 377-395. ISSN 0167-8809.


Land evaluation and farming systems analysis for Land Use Planning. (1990) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Huizing, H.; Keulen, van H.; Luning, H.; Schipper, R.


The importance of cassava in world food production (1989) (open access) Bruijn, de G.H.; Fresco, L.O. In: Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 37(1), 21-34. ISSN 0028-2928.

Cassava and biotechnology. Production constraints and potential solutions. (1989) (open access) Panman, J.; Scheepens, A.J.; Bruijn, de G.H.; Fresco, L.O.

Landevaluation and Farming Systems Research. Guidelines, final draft. (1989) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Huizing, H.; Keulen, van H.; Luning, H.; Schipper, R.


A hierarchical classification of farm systems (1988) (open access) Fresco, L.O.; Westphal, E. In: Experimental Agriculture, 24(4), 399 – 419. ISSN 0014-4797.

Farming systems analysis – an introduction. (1988)(open access) Fresco, L.O.


Proposal voor Prosea (1987) (open access) Fresco, L.O. In: Landbouwkundig Tijdschrift, 99(5), 14 – 15. ISSN 0927-6955.

Let there be forest (1987)(open access) Fresco, L.O. In: Landbouwkundig Tijdschrift, 99(5), 15-15. ISSN 0927-6955.


Cassava in shifting cultivation: a systems approach to agricultural technology development in Africa (1986) (open access) Fresco, L.O.


Issues in farming systems research (1984) (open access) Fresco, L.O. In: Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 32, 253-261. ISSN 0028-2928.

Comparing Anglophone and Francophone approaches to farming systems research and extension (1984) (open access) Fresco, L.O.


Women’s role in food production and farming system research, expert consultation on women in food production (1983) Fresco, L.O.