Video Lectures

On April 29, scientist, administrator and writer Louise Fresco talked about Nikolai Gogol and food.
The third meeting in Masha Trebukova’s studio about her project Happily Ever After Gogol. This series of works was inspired by the story ‘Foreworldly Landowners’ by Nikolai Gogol and was exhibited to the public in the artist’s studio. Three meetings were organized during this exhibition.

How to feed the whole world.The case for white bread
TED lecture by Louise O. Fresco
February 2009 Longbeach California

A powerful thinker and globe-trotting advisor on sustainability, Louise Fresco says it’s time to think of food as a topic of social and economic importance on par with oil — that responsible agriculture and food consumption are crucial to world stability. Louise Fresco shows us why we should celebrate mass-produced, supermarket-style white bread. She says environmentally sound mass production will feed the world, yet leave a role for small bakeries and traditional methods.

This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.

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Fish nor Flesh or Both? Foods for the future
City Food Lecture 2020, Guildhall London

Professor Fresco, President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research, Europe’s leading academic agri-food organisation and research and development centre.

The City Food Lecture is an annual, invitation-only high profile fixture in the City of London and international food industry calendars. The Lecture is delivered every year by a leading figure in the British food business who is invited to speak about the issues they regard as most important in shaping the way food is produced, distributed, marketed, sold and consumed.


From agricultural to food policy and beyond
Mansholt Lezing
Brussel, 2016

“Vanmiddag leest Louise O. Fresco in Brussel de Mansholt-lezing voor. Met die lezing die dit jaar voor het eerst door de Wageningen Universiteit wordt georganiseerd, wil de vooraanstaande landbouwuniversiteit zich mengen in het publiek debat over voedsel. Het onderwerp dit jaar: ‘Van landbouw- naar voedselbeleid en daar voorbij.’
Tegelijk met de lezing publiceert de Wageningen UR een zogenoemd position paper waarin Fresco en landbouweconoom Krijn Poppe uitgebreid uit de doeken doen waarom een integraler voedselbeleid nodig is en hoe dat eruit zou kunnen zien.”
(tekst: De Correspondent)

Lees meer:

New Dutch Masters: The Fear of Innovation
Lezing, Netherlands Permanent Mission
Genève, 2016

The state of the art and current dilemmas of biotechnology for poor producers and consumers
Keynote lecture, FAO International Symposium
Rome, 2016

“The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition”

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Panel discussion of TARGET: Zero Hunger Episode 3
“Can Biotech Benefit Smallholder Farmers Worldwide?” starts 15:35′ | audio
Extended version | audio

Introduction: Redesigning Food Systems for a 2015 World
Lezing EAT, Stockholm Food Forum
Stockholm, 2015

Presentation by Louise O. Fresco, President, The Executive Board of Wageningen UR during the 2015 EAT Food Forum.

Bridging the gap between science and society
Opening academisch jaar Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen, 2014

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A treaty on animal production and other revisions in the Book of Agriculture and Food
Lezing ter gelegenheid van 95ste Dies van Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen, 2013

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Food, Scarcity and Abundance
Keynote speech at the 200th Commemorative Meeting of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Stockholm, 2013

Louise Fresco, Professor at the University of Amsterdam and member of the Montpellier Panel, gave a keynote speech Food, scarcity and abundance at the 200th Commemorative Meeting of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry on 28 January 2013.

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Sustainable development as a multilateral and cultural issue
Keynote at the symposium to celebrate the Fifth Anniversary of the Prince Claus Chair at Paleis Noordeinde
The Hague, 2007

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Biomass, food and sustainability: is there a dilemma?
Rabobank Duisenberg Lecture
Singapore,  2006

“In January 2007, thousands of demonstrators marched through Mexico City in protest at a rise in the price of the maize flour used for tortillas. Many believed the higher price was caused by American demand for ethanol which had pushed up the price of maize on which Mexicans depend for their basic food. Similarly, consumers in Italy went on strike to protest against the increasing price of their daily pasta.”
(tekst: Biomass, food & sustainability: is there a dilemma? Updated version, autumn 2007)

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Meeting the worlds food needs

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New Zealand Presents:
The Visit of Professor Louise O. Fresco, dec 2018

LAUNCH: 2017 Global Food Policy Report
Washington DC, USA, 23 maart 2017

Presentation by Louise Fresco, President Wageningen University & Research Center at the IFPRI Special Event, “LAUNCH: 2017 Global Food Policy Report” held Thursday March 23, 2017 in Washington DC.

The Hamburger Scenes
Food Film Festival
Amsterdam, 22 maart 2013

The power of TED
Amsterdam, 25 November 2011

The great success and and tragedy of agriculture
World Science Festival
New York, NY, USA, June 2010

Water, Agriculture and Food (1/2)
Eau, Agriculture et Alimentation (1/2)
World Policy Conference
Marrakesh, Morocco, 1 November 2009

Water, Agriculture and Food (2/2)
Eau, Agriculture et Alimentation (2/2)
World Policy Conference
Marrakesh, Morocco, 1 November 2009