Selected articles in journals and magazines


Une meilleure compréhension entre le monde agricole et la société
150 Idées pour la réussite de nos agricultures, pag. 19. uitgegeven door SAF agr’iDées, 2017 |  pdf

Food Transition 2030
Kampers, F.W.H., Fresco, L.O., in collaboration with colleagues from WUR, Wageningen University & Research, September 2017, policy document second Mansholt lecture in Brussels | pdf

Towards a European Food and Nutrition Policy
Veer, P. van ’t, Poppe, K.J., Fresco, L.O., Wageningen University & Research, September 2017, policy document second Mansholt lecture in Brussels | pdf

Challenges and perspectives for supporting sustainable and inclusive food systems
Fresco, L.O., Ruben, R.; Herens, M., Great Insights Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 4, September, 2017 | pdf

Louise O. Fresco: My Greatest Fear Is Not Having Anything To Read
The reading lists, 31 May 2017 | web:


J’accuse de VN
De Gids, 5, 2016 | pdf
English translation | pdf

By measuring food waste, we can manage it
Cutting food loss and waste down to size offers a triple win for food security, the economy and the environment.

Thomson Reuters Foundation, 14 okt 2016, Blog |


Some thoughts about the future of food and agriculture
Commentary by Louise O. Fresco in the South African Journal of Science, Vol 110, Nr 5/6, May/June 2014 | pdf

No more wishful thinking
Farmer’s weekly: By Invita
, March 14, 2014 | pdf


Starved for Science
How technological progress can help to feed the world

Visionary Voices by Project Syndicate, 17 juli 2013. Also published in The Independent and other international newspapers | pdf

Louise Fresco on European fear of global change in agriculture
Blog African Technology Development Forum, 5 maart 2013 | pdf

The GMO Stalemate in Europe
Science Magazine, Editorial by Louise O. Fresco, 22 februari 2013 | pdf


Primeval Landscapes, Deep Time | Oerlandschappen, Diepe tijd | Paesaggi primordiali, tempi remoti
Essay in Willem Sanders: Ideal Real Landscape or Real Ideal Landscape, 2012 | pdf

Femmes et sécurité alimentaire: implications pour la recherche agricole
In: Femmes et politiques alimentaires, Actes du Séminaire international sur la place des femmes dans l’autosuffisance et les stratégies alimentaires. ORSTOM – CIE. Paris : Éditions de l’ORSTOM. 14-18 janvier 1985. Traduit de l’anglais 2012 | pdf 

Two types of curiosity
Article on occasion of 380 years curiosity, University of Amsterdam, 2012 | pdf


Unangetaster Blick – Unverfalschte Sicht
Rozenberg Quarterly, The Magazine, 11 juni 2011 | pdf

Michael Pollan’s misguided food nostalgia
Prairie Grains, April 2011 | pdf

Michael Pollan ’s misguided food nostalgia
Artikel in ZesterDaily, 21 februari 2011 | pdf


There is no technical reason why we could not feed a world of nine billion people
Feeding the Future, Nutreco, maart 2010 | pdf


Challenges for food system adaptation today and tomorrow
Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 12, Issue 4, June 2009, Pages 378–385
Special Issue: Food Security and Environmental Change | web


Burning issues in climate negotiations
NRC International, December 22, 2008 | pdf

Hype Won’t Solve Climate Problem
Der Spiegel, December 12, 2008 | pdf

Climate problem can’t be solved by hype
NRC International, December 11, 2008 | pdf

Yes, we can! But in Europe?
NRC International, December 8, 2008 | pdf

How to protect ourselves from floods
NRC International, November 21, 2008 | pdf

Food is not oil – but it is at least as important
NRC International, October 24, 2008 | pdf

Reforming agriculture – urgently
NRC International, September 26, 2008 | pdf