Une meilleure compréhension entre le monde agricole et la société
150 Idées pour la réussite de nos agricultures, pag. 19. uitgegeven door SAF agr’iDées, 2017 | pdf
Food Transition 2030
Kampers, F.W.H., Fresco, L.O., in collaboration with colleagues from WUR, Wageningen University & Research, September 2017, policy document second Mansholt lecture in Brussels | pdf
Towards a European Food and Nutrition Policy
Veer, P. van ’t, Poppe, K.J., Fresco, L.O., Wageningen University & Research, September 2017, policy document second Mansholt lecture in Brussels | pdf
Challenges and perspectives for supporting sustainable and inclusive food systems
Fresco, L.O., Ruben, R.; Herens, M., Great Insights Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 4, September, 2017 | pdf
Louise O. Fresco: My Greatest Fear Is Not Having Anything To Read
The reading lists, 31 May 2017 | web: www.thereadinglists.com
J’accuse de VN
De Gids, 5, 2016 | pdf
English translation | pdf
By measuring food waste, we can manage it
Cutting food loss and waste down to size offers a triple win for food security, the economy and the environment.
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 14 okt 2016, Blog | news.trust.org
Some thoughts about the future of food and agriculture
Commentary by Louise O. Fresco in the South African Journal of Science, Vol 110, Nr 5/6, May/June 2014 | pdf
No more wishful thinking
Farmer’s weekly: By Invita
tion, March 14, 2014 | pdf
Starved for Science
How technological progress can help to feed the world
Visionary Voices by Project Syndicate, 17 juli 2013. Also published in The Independent and other international newspapers | pdf
Louise Fresco on European fear of global change in agriculture
Blog African Technology Development Forum, 5 maart 2013 | pdf
The GMO Stalemate in Europe
Science Magazine, Editorial by Louise O. Fresco, 22 februari 2013 | pdf
Primeval Landscapes, Deep Time | Oerlandschappen, Diepe tijd | Paesaggi primordiali, tempi remoti
Essay in Willem Sanders: Ideal Real Landscape or Real Ideal Landscape, 2012 | pdf
Femmes et sécurité alimentaire: implications pour la recherche agricole
In: Femmes et politiques alimentaires, Actes du Séminaire international sur la place des femmes dans l’autosuffisance et les stratégies alimentaires. ORSTOM – CIE. Paris : Éditions de l’ORSTOM. 14-18 janvier 1985. Traduit de l’anglais 2012 | pdf
Two types of curiosity
Article on occasion of 380 years curiosity, University of Amsterdam, 2012 | pdf
Unangetaster Blick – Unverfalschte Sicht
Rozenberg Quarterly, The Magazine, 11 juni 2011 | pdf
Michael Pollan’s misguided food nostalgia
Prairie Grains, April 2011 | pdf
Michael Pollan ’s misguided food nostalgia
Artikel in ZesterDaily, 21 februari 2011 | pdf
There is no technical reason why we could not feed a world of nine billion people
Feeding the Future, Nutreco, maart 2010 | pdf
Challenges for food system adaptation today and tomorrow
Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 12, Issue 4, June 2009, Pages 378–385
Special Issue: Food Security and Environmental Change | web
Burning issues in climate negotiations
NRC International, December 22, 2008 | pdf
Hype Won’t Solve Climate Problem
Der Spiegel, December 12, 2008 | pdf
Climate problem can’t be solved by hype
NRC International, December 11, 2008 | pdf
Yes, we can! But in Europe?
NRC International, December 8, 2008 | pdf
How to protect ourselves from floods
NRC International, November 21, 2008 | pdf
Food is not oil – but it is at least as important
NRC International, October 24, 2008 | pdf
Reforming agriculture – urgently
NRC International, September 26, 2008 | pdf