
Improving Market Outcomes, Enhancing the Position of Farmers in the Supply Chain. Report of the Agricultural Markets Task Force,Brussels, 2016 | pdf
This report examines the position of farmers in the supply chain and makes recommendations as to how to improve that position. It is the result of the deliberations of the Agricultural Markets Task Force (Task Force), which was set up in January 2016 as a European Commission expert group at the instigation of Phil Hogan, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock? HLPE, CFS, FAO, 2016 | pdf
The report defines sustainable agricultural development (SAD) for food security and nutrition (FSN) as follows: “Sustainable agricultural development is agricultural development that contributes to improving resource efficiency, strengthening resilience and securing social equity/responsibility of agriculture and food systems in order to ensure food security and nutrition for all, now and in the future.”

Klimaatverandering, wetenschap en debat. KNAW, 2011 | pdf
Deze brochure zet de natuurwetenschappelijke, ‘harde’ feiten over ons klimaat op een rijtje, en belicht de controverses en onzekerheden die in het klimaatonderzoek aan de orde zijn en die u ook in de media tegenkomt. Het begint met een uitleg over hoe wetenschap werkt en wat er van mag worden verwacht, wie er mee mogen doen aan het wetenschappelijk debat en onder welke voorwaarden. In het laatste hoofdstuk vindt u zeven samenvattende stellingen over klimaatverandering – zaken waar de wetenschap het over eens is.

Climate change assessments. Review of the IPCC. IAC, 2010 | pdf
This report reviews the IPCC assessment process and recommends ways to strengthen it. Chapter 2 evaluates the major elements of the IPCC assessment process. Excerpts of the relevant IPCC procedures are given in Appendix D. Chapter 3 examines how uncertainty was characterized and communicated in the Fourth Assessment Report and recommends ways to improve IPCC’s uncertainty guidelines for subsequent assessments. Chapter 4 discusses IPCC governance, management, and communications. Chapter 5 summarizes the Committee’s conclusions and identifies issues that could benefit from additional study.

Landschap verdient beter! Task Force Financiering Landschap, 2008 |pdf
Van een mooi landschap kan iedereen gratis genieten. Niemand hoeft te betalen voor een fi etstocht door de bollenvelden of een wandeling door de coulissenlandschappen in Gelderland en Overijssel. Dit advies buigt zich over de vraag hoe het behoud van landschapsschoon in Nederland toch betaald kan worden.

From Kyoto to Sustainability. Global Colloquium University Presidents, 2007 |pdf
The last decades has seen an increasing focus on climate change as a prime preoccupation of scientists and politicians alike. Indeed, the scope of climate change science is breathtaking, as the detailed and thorough analysis of Professor Richard Stewart confirms. Yet there are several puzzling aspects to climate issues that suggest that we may need to rethink this focus.